• VRP GAP (Vehicle Replacement Program)
  • RTI GAP (Return to Invoice)
  • AV GAP (Agreed Value GAP)
  • SF GAP (Financial Shortfall GAP)
  • DRG GAP (Daily Rental GAP)
  • Lease GAP

GAP Cover Product Range - Created to Always Deliver Value

  • VRP - Replaces the vehicle, provides a new car in replacement of old - provides betterment and Customer Retention, up to 3 year cover.
  • RTI - Provides a Monetary settlement covering the difference between the Motor Insurer settlement and the original invoice value. Up to 4yr cover available-
  • AV - Provides a pre determined fixed amount of money when a vehicle is written off, - regardless of any loan being outstanding up to 4 years.
  • SF - Pays the Difference between the Motor Insurer settlement and the outstanding loan amount PLUS up to 15% of the original invoice value to support a new Down-payment, Single 5 year term.
  • DRG - Covers the Difference between the Vehicle Write off Value, and the Original Invoice Value, up to 2 years
  • Lease GAP - Covers any payment or lease rental penalty applied for early lease exit on the basis of vehicle total loss, up to 3 years.