Peace of mind while on the road!
AutoCon Roadside Assistance programs are more than just breakdown cover; it could really be a lifesaver if you're ever left stranded away from home.

Be a member of the AutoCon Drivers Club and enjoy unmatched benefits and services. Some of the specialised services offered are
  • v in case of breakdown
  • Flat Tire Assistance
  • Installation of Spare Tire
  • Lock-Out Assistance
  • Battery Boost
  • Fuel Delivery
  • Pull-out/winching

We offer a wide range of plans to choose from. Our goal is to provide packages perfectly suited to everyone's need and budget! Customise your plan to suite your needs, like adding additional States to be covered along with your home State in India.

Providing assistance anytime anywhere is the essence of our business. The Roadside Assistance service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days providing our members assistance for a worry free drive.